Documentation XFrame2D

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This page contains the documentation of XFrame2D. It is meant as a full description of all functions and possibilities of the program. Other relevant information about XFrame2D can be found in the following links:

Release Notes

Release notes of XFrame2D: link

Features and limitations

Full list of features of XFrame2D can be found here.



Chapters user manual

1. Get Started

2. Basic concept User Interface

2.1 Design Arrangements and coordinates

3. Geometry

3.1 Nodes

3.2 Supports

3.3 Beams

3.4 Section/Profile

3.5 Grid lines/Levels

4. Loads

4.1 Load cases

4.2 Load combinations

4.3 Loads

4.4 Load Generator

5. Analysis

5.1 Calculation

6. Structural Design

6.1 Eurocode Steel & Timber Design

7. Building Code AESC

8. Display calculation results

8.1 Display results

8.2 spy: results per beam

8.3 Calculation settings

8.4 Optimization

9. UI and other settings

9.1 Edit

9.2 Selection

9.3 View

9.4 Display options

9.5 Dockable windows

9.6 Changing dimensions

9.7 Menu

9.7.1 Preferences

9.7.2 Drawing

9.7.3 Snap options

9.7.4 Regular grid

9.7.5 Output

9.7.6 User defined profiles

9.7.7 Preview

10. Background information about calculations

10.1 Tapered section

10.2 Background steel & timber eurocode