XFrame2D Calculation settings

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Within XFrame2D you can choose between the analysis is of Geometric non-linear (GNL) or Geometric Linear(GL).


You can choose if you want the dead weight to be automatically generated or not.

Gravity acceleration g

Gravity acceleration in m/s2.

Code check

Within XFrame2D the Eurocode is implemented.

Design working life

The design working life of the building in years.

National Annex

The national annex can be chosen by country. Currently the national annexes of The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy are included.

Consequence class

The consequence class of the construction. This determines among other things, the load factors that need to be used.

Steel code

The steel code you want to use.

Concrete code

The concrete code you want to use.

Partial fixity

Specific for concrete setting if partial fixity should be taken into account.

Timber code

The timber code you want to use.